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Bet You (Franklin U, #4)Bet You (Franklin U, #4)

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Book Descriptions :

SpencerWhose brilliant idea was it to build university housing next to one of Franklin U?s most notorious party frats?I?m a real student?the kind who actually came to college to learn, not some dumb frat bro who sees Franklin U as a four-year challenge to consume the most booze and throw out the best pick-up line.Their all-hours lifestyle is driving me crazy. Not to mention, the jerks keep taking my assigned parking spot.But the worst offender might be Cory Ingram. Sure, he has a smile that could melt a polar ice cap, but no way will I ever be one of his minions. I?m pretty sure I made that clear when I blew my top at him. So I have no idea why he?s suddenly everywhere around me, turning on the charm like I might actually fall for it.Nope. Not gonna happen.CoryFrom the first day I set foot on Franklin U?s campus, everything has been golden. I have a ton of friends, endless parties to be the life of, and whoever I want in my bed on any given night. Sure, I?m a shameless party boy, but .

Book Details :

Author : Neve Wilder

Pages : 230 pages

Publisher : Wilder Press

Language : eng


ISBN-13 :


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